Visions of the Future

Journey to Career Students Visualize Their Futures

Alainah Felton

Jenna Heikamp’s eighth grade Journey to Careers class created vision boards to help them visualize their futures.

Alainah Felton, Contributor

Everyone has a vision of what they want their life to be like in future. Riverside Academy teacher, Jenna Roussel challenged her eighth grade Journey to Career students to put their visions on paper. She had her students create a vision boards looking to their futures.

“They show their short term goals and their long term goals,” Roussel explained. “A short term goal on what they want to be when they finish middle school or high school, and what they plan to go to college and what they will learn and do in college. The long term goal is their career and how they are going to accomplish it.”

Roussel allowed her students be as creative as they wanted with the project. They used inspirational quotes, pictures, drawings, etc. Some students included bible verses and quotes from famous actors.

Students created visions of becoming doctors, dentists, nurses, pharmacists, federal agents, screenwriters, actors,  journalists and more.