Riverside Academy has begun a new system for teachers to reward good behavior.
This new program is a digital addition to the PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) system that was already in place. Previously, students could receive small cards as a reward for positive behavior, which could be cashed in for various prizes. The new system is all digital with both a desktop and smartphone app which allows teachers to scan a student’s ID bar code. Teachers also may earn points for rewarding students.
Students will be given points which they will be able to redeem monthly on cash-in days through their students accounts. Rewards include snacks, tardy and uniform violation passes, and dress down days. Parents may track their student’s points through the PBIS Family App, using the QR code that was sent home. Students in grades 4-12 may also track their points and view the school store by logging into the account with their school email through the PBIS rewards website, http://www.pbisrewards.com/login/.
Each grade level will be assigned a week for cashing in their points:
Elementary will take place from 12:40-1:20
High School will take place during lunch time
Middle school will take place during lunch time
Specific days will be announced during morning announcements.
The goal for this program is to encourage good behavior and interactions of respect, responsibility, honesty, fairness, politeness, citizenship, gratitude, empathy and caring.
Parents should have received QR codes to sign up on the family app. Parents will be able to view their child’s daily points as well as any comments teachers or staff make when rewarding the points.