Riverside Academy recently announced its Teachers Of The Year for 2023-2024. They are elementary, Tori Lachney; middle school, Erin Jung; and high school, Kathleen Trent.
Mrs. Jung is a middle school science teacher and high school food science and medical terminology teacher. She also serves as the school’s nurse and helps sponsor the senior class. She has been teaching at RA for the last 13 years. This is the second time that she has been Middle School Teacher of the Year. Jung said that her greatest strength as a teacher is the time she takes to learn about her students and their needs.
“I was shocked and so excited when I found out I was teacher of the year.,” she said. “I was able to share it with one of my sixth grade classes, and their reaction made me cry. It was an unforgettable moment.”
Mrs. Trent teaches high school science. She has been teaching for 27 years, the last seven at RA. She said that her greatest strength as a teacher is her ability to know and explain the material.
“I am very honored to be high school teacher of the year,” Mrs. Trent said. “I have been a teacher for 27 years, and it makes me happy to see that my efforts are recognized.”
Mrs. Lachney is a first grade teacher. She has been teaching for six years with five of those being at RA. Lachney said that her greatest strength as a teacher is her communication with her students.
“I feel like I do a pretty good job of meeting my students where they are each day, while understanding that although they are all in my class, each of them comes into my classroom with different backgrounds, lifestyles and interests,” Lachney said.